Maybe you-you must have your favorite drink each. Here is a group of beverages and the drinker's personality as well:
Quote delicious early morning cup of coffee let alone warm. Well, for you who like coffee (not brewed or cappucinno), you could say prefeksionis hardworking and personable. For the sake of self-esteem, you never asked for help on others when working on something. It takes extra effort to conquer those who like coffee because they are a bit stiff. Slowly but surely, invite those who prefer more leisurely coffee to enjoy life.
Whatever the food, beverages must be tea. The fans of this tea is even more relaxed and relaxed in life. Not hurry. But if anyone wants, the fans of this tea is going to try to get it. Cultivated for you who have friends 'tea' is to be patient. If you do not want to be shunned, avoid-burukan to hunt them.
Fruit Juice
For those of you who like fruit juice, must like a challenge and dare to take risks. Understandably, fans of the juice including the people who get bored easily so like to try new things. For my friends 'juice' it must always be full of surprises if you want to win sympathy. No less important, never complained in front of their lovers juices because of their anti-girl / boy spoiled.
The white water enthusiasts will always be simple and not many wants. But make no mistake, compared to the type of guy / girl, he was the most sensitive soul at once poetic. They also must have the romantic water enthusiasts. If they're comfortable and happy with someone, they would bend over backwards to please him. White water enthusiasts also includes the economical because usually the most expensive mineral water.
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