Facts About the Color Blue

1. A study proved that a weight lifter can lift heavy loads better in the blue gym.

2. In the first Roman culture, the color blue is used by parties who are employed as public servants or authorities. That's why most police in various parts of the world especially in the United States is identical to the color blue. It is characteristic of the philosophy of Roman culture.

3. In a factory, flat - ratra blue symbolizes the equipment is being repaired.

4. Blue also symbolizes the correspondence system that uses air (air mail) and Navy (Navy).

5. A survey has shown that blue is the color of the product's best-selling female sweeter traded. Because, most women think men like it.

6. The color most preferred by men - men.

7. In particular belief blue symbolizes heaven's mercy. (To be discussed further).

8. In India blue is believed to bring bad luck.

9. In traditional Chinese culture in the Blue symbolizes the pain.

10. Blue is the main color, of the three primary colors (red - green - blue).

11. 8% of the population worldwide has a blue eye color.

12. In the UK the color blue became the symbol of alert testicular cancer.

13. In the U.S. post office mail box is generally blue

14. Blue is the general color of the toothbrush in the various worlds.

15. Mosquitoes are more attracted to come to the blue compared with the other colors.

16. Blue Bird can not see the color blue.

17. Owls are the only birds who can see the color blue.

18. Bright blue color was first established in England in 1915.

19. The color blue is widely used in offices, because studies show people - people are more productive in blue rooms.

20. After 15 years of candy colors - colorful Skittles in the U.S. just decided to make a candy blue.

21. The purpose word - the word 'Feeling blue' is when a person feels sad.

22. The purpose of the phrase 'Once in blue moon' is a rare event from happening.

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